It’s still a bit surreal to think in the last four years I went to law school, passed the bar exam, opened a law firm, and have goals of becoming a leader in my niche areas of practice.
When I started law school, I was spoon-fed the idea that every lawyer should aspire to clerk for a judge and work at a big law firm with the goal of becoming a partner. When I started working in the legal field, I realized that I didn’t want any of that. I don’t want to be trapped in an office 60 hours/week, working on cases I don’t care about, and setting myself up to have a severe chemical dependency problem, a heart attack, or a nervous breakdown before turning 40.
I’ve been a blogger for the last two years. During that time, I’ve developed passions for intellectual property, internet law, flash mob law, and preventing cyberbullying. I also had the pleasure of working in the Innovation Advancement Program at Arizona State University where I worked with entrepreneurs to get their endeavors off the ground. It was such a joy to help them breathe life into their dreams.
When people ask me where I work, I love that I get to respond, “In my laptop.” I have a virtual law office, which means I can work almost anywhere that I have wi-fi and a power outlet. I am not encumbered by a formal office or staff. With this autonomy comes more options for myself and my clients.
When I reflect on why I decided to open Carter Law Firm, one word comes to mind: “freedom.” I have the law career I’ve always wanted. I get to work on cases I’m passionate about and with interesting clients. It also gives me time to be a public speaker on legal issues and to blog posts and ebooks.
Opening this firm is the beginning of an incredible adventure. I’m excited for what’s to come.
6 responses to “Why I Opened A Solo Law Firm”
Congratulations on opening your new firm, Ruth! Looking forward to great things!
Thanks Jeff! I couldn’t have come this far without the support of my amazing family & friends. I’m looking forward to great things too!
So great, Ruth! When you set the rules and the bounds, like you are doing, I know your dreams and aspirations will be a great success! Congrats.
Thanks Troy!
Congratulations Ruth! May this journey be fulfilling, fun & of course, everything you dream it will be. All the best.
Thanks Calie! I’m excited for the journey to come.